Monday, February 7, 2011

Racism Affecting Future Generations

       In class today, Doc O'C quoted from a book he had recently read which chronicled the white and black migrations from and to the city in the earlier half of the 20th century. There was a section which mentioned Prince Edward County, in Virginia. The entire county shut down all of their public schools following unsuccessful attempts to find a way around the historic 1954 Supreme Court ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education. Many white children attended private schools, and many African-American children were bussed miles away, or did not attend school at all.
Students boarding a bus in 1964
       Not only was this a disservice to the communities, both black and white, of that generation, but a glance at the current economic conditions of the county in 2011 reveals how the sons and daughters were affected by this childish solution to an inexistent issue. A staggering 18.9% of the population, according the 2000 census, lives in poverty. There is no doubt a correlation to the county's embarrassing, sad history.
       When a situation like this is mentioned ("I can't have it my way so no one can have it all"), a child throwing his cake on the floor because he doesn't want to share comes to mind, or a cheesy movie in which the bad guy kills the girl because he can't have her. The decision to shut down the Prince Edward school county system was a puerile reaction to a federal law, and continues to negatively affect the community.


  1. Leland-
    So true. As we've learned time and time again, education is person's ticket to freedom from oppression. The ignorance and arrogance demonstrated during the 1950s in Prince Edward County is anything but royal: the cycle of poverty is doomed to continue unless an "education intervention" occurs. We cannot undo the (unfortunate) past, but can work with the present situation to ensure a brighter future.

  2. Leland, three great posts here. (Three...seriously?) This assignment should clearly be your forte. What to do? As an experiment, what if you were to blog about the first story you come across in The Week each week? Or the first thing that dances across the screen when you enter a room with a TV on (does not need to be a dancing show)No Word With Friends Post?
